What Type of Collie was Lassie?
Lassie is a fictional female Collie that is arguably the most recognizable and famous dog character of all times. There have been nine feature films, several television programs, books, and even a video game made […]
Lassie is a fictional female Collie that is arguably the most recognizable and famous dog character of all times. There have been nine feature films, several television programs, books, and even a video game made […]
Photos from the 1897 issues of Country Life Illustrated Related Images:
Q: Why do some Old-Time Scotch Collies look more like modern Rough Collies and others look more like Aussies? Short answer: Old-Time Scotch Collies are a “landrace breed”. Read on to learn what constitutes a […]
The early Romans had their Shepherd dog (canus pastorales) but no line of descent can be traced to help us to identify the exact type of Shepherd dog of that day. Dr. Cains, author of […]
At this time the collie, like the nightingale in the feathered world, which is voice and nothing more, had coat and little else beside to recommend it. Judges and fanciers, with a few exceptions, now bow down and worship before the narrow head of a brainless idol. […]
Reading over the analytics report for my website over the last 6 months I noticed that a lot of people come here looking for answers to specific questions. So I have decided to answer a […]
Excerpted from The dog book, Volume 1, James Watson – 1906 Although collies were shown at the Centennial Show and at those held in New York, Boston and elsewhere prior to 1880, they were a […]
The origin and history of the Scotch Collie as a distinct breed are still unsolved questions. There are no solid facts to base even a theory upon, and, as in the case of many other […]
The dog belongs to the order Carnivores, the family Canidae, and the genus Canis. The origin of the domestic dog is not known. It is supposed that it is the result of many crosses with […]
There is little resemblance between the working “collie” of the Scottish sheep-herder and the elaborately furred, slender faced, bench-dog now so popular. The broad-skulled, rather neglected looking “shepherd dog” of our boyhood, with his friendly, […]
Our setters have been divided in two groups by this method, so that to-day we have a show setter of little practical value, and a field trial setter without the obvious show type of the […]
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