Scotch Collie vs English Shepherd
Breed Information

Scotch Collie vs English Shepherd

The Old-Time Scotch Collie and the English Shepherd are closely related dog breeds with more similarities than differences. It is no surprise that the most commonly asked question from people is “what is the difference […]

the original highland collie had a long pointed nose

What Did Collies Originally Look Like?

Some say that English Shepherds represent what the Scotch Collie looked like before show breeders ruined them. I used to believe this myself until I began doing research for creating this website. Once I started […]

Bob, a Scotch Collie from the 1920's
Farm Collie Movement

Whatever Happened to Old Shep? by Linda Rorem

People continue to think about the old-fashioned collie and wonder if any can still be found, perhaps some old strain surviving on a remote ranch or farm. They know about Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, English Shepherds, show Collies, but these are breeds are not, in and of themselves, the old farm collie that is being sought. […]


Improved Off The Face Of The Earth

Various attempts have been made to save the old time scotch collie from extinction over the past 119 years, but none of them have had long-lasting or serious impact. The dogs we have today come to us as much through chance and dumb luck as they do through the efforts to rescue the old-time scotch collie from extinction. […]

Golden Age: 1861 - 1900

Facts for Farmers – 1869

An early American source on the Scotch Collie, this book covers every aspect of agriculture from breeds of livestock to barn construction to farm economics and includes many beautiful engravings. It shows that Scotch Collies […]

Early Scotch Collie illustration
Golden Age: 1861 - 1900

The Scotch Colley – Poultry Monthly 1881

Of all the canine race, the Scotch Colley is the most intelligent. The herder’s help-mate and friend, and gentleman’s pet. He, with wonderful intuition, anticipates your wants to such a degree as to cause the […]

Doc the Leopard Cur Shepherd

Skeletons in the OTFS Closet

This is the story of Doc the Leopard Cur “Shepherd”. When Richard McDuffie brought home the last litter of the Old Bob-Tail Shepherds he faced one gigantic obstacle in preserving this line; What would he […]