He has used the same models for his dogs several times – the colours are interesting – there is one which is almost black with very pale tan on its nose, another which is white and a third which is sable with no white markings
Since writing the above, My Luke was mated with Fudjaï Gold of Connemara’s Highlands and a puppy was born like the sable with no markings https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=441656342569214&set=a.441656302569218.96140.106142846120567&type=1&theater
I love the paintings and sketches!!!
He has used the same models for his dogs several times – the colours are interesting – there is one which is almost black with very pale tan on its nose, another which is white and a third which is sable with no white markings
Since writing the above, My Luke was mated with Fudjaï Gold of Connemara’s Highlands and a puppy was born like the sable with no markings