Albert Payson Terhune (1872 – 1942) was a lover of collies who lived at a critical time in Collie history. A time when the show Collie was rapidly changing into a new type of dog. […]
It is my belief, based on the research I’ve done, that much of the differences in modern collie breeds originated in the regional varieties of sheep-dogs found in Great Britain. That the Rough Collie resulted […]
Speaking of dogs, I think the shepherd’s dog the most valuable of his species, certainly for the farmer. Our dog Jack, a thorough-bred Scotch collie, has been worth $100 a year in managing our small […]
I love finds like these, it’s always interesting and informative to see what once was and compare it to what is now. I would take any of the dogs pictured here over the current show ring monsters.
Great photos of beautiful dogs.
Thanks for all the work you do on the past of the collie Andy – I will post this onto the Club des amis du Colley – French collie club. I think they may be interested to see where their dogs have come from!!!
Andy, if you find anything of this kind on the smooth collie during your research, I would be oh so grateful to hear about it.
Sorry Andy – I should have asked – is this the British magazine Country Life, or is there an American version?
Yes, this is a British Magazine, there was an American magazine at the same time called “Country Life in America” I don’t know if they were affiliated.
I will keep my eyes peeled for info on smooths. In all my research here on the collie, references to smooths are quite rare. Have you tried doing a search for “smooth” here?
Have you seen A history and description of the collie or sheep dog in his British varieties By Rawdon Briggs Lee with a chapter on Smooths?
I love finds like these, it’s always interesting and informative to see what once was and compare it to what is now. I would take any of the dogs pictured here over the current show ring monsters.
Great photos of beautiful dogs.
Thanks for all the work you do on the past of the collie Andy – I will post this onto the Club des amis du Colley – French collie club. I think they may be interested to see where their dogs have come from!!!
Andy, if you find anything of this kind on the smooth collie during your research, I would be oh so grateful to hear about it.
Sorry Andy – I should have asked – is this the British magazine Country Life, or is there an American version?
Yes, this is a British Magazine, there was an American magazine at the same time called “Country Life in America” I don’t know if they were affiliated.
I will keep my eyes peeled for info on smooths. In all my research here on the collie, references to smooths are quite rare. Have you tried doing a search for “smooth” here?
Have you seen A history and description of the collie or sheep dog in his British varieties By Rawdon Briggs Lee with a chapter on Smooths?