1. Thanks for posting this! I loved all of his books when I was growing up, but haven’t been able to find them all to collect. Of course, having a collie when I was a child may have some small influence on my love of the breed.

  2. I read “Lad a dog” at the age of 8. I loved the story, and now live quite close to the section of New Jersey where “The Place” was, before it was plowed under to become part of a highway. Due in large part Mr. February’s books led me to become a veterinarian.

  3. Sunnybank is still there, preserved as a park though the house is gone. Every August a Gathering of fans remember the Terhunes, their dogs and home.

  4. Yes, I would love to go someday. In 2017 I wanted to bring my old fashioned collies to the Sunnybank gathering to have a booth representing the Old Time Scotch Collie Association but was denied because our dogs are not AKC.

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