I wonder how many boy’s and girls really know whether or not a dog can think? Have you a dog? If so, study him and learn his ways, and see how much good sense he really has.
The dog I am going to tell you about was an old Scotch Collie dog and lived, in a city. His name was Prince. He at one time lived on a stock farm with his master. His work was to take the cows to and from the pasture; he was always faithful and never missed a single cow from the large drove. His duty was performed by him for several years, then the master retired and moved to tne city, taking Prince with him.
Prince seemed satisfied and happy, as he was too old to be of much use any more, So he settled down to the city life and was always to be found at the home of his master.
But as he grew older, he became very cross and people were afraid to go near him; he had to be kept chained and safely guarded. His master felt he could not part with him, for he had always served him so faithfully, but something had to be done. It was certain that Price could not do as he was, for somebody was sure to be bitten by him. So one day the master’s son came in from the farm and Prince lay in the house behind the stove. Prince was the topic of conversation and the father was telling his son of his conduct. They had decided the only safe way was to have him shot, so as evening came and Prince was forgotten about, as they had been visiting, the son departed for home.
The master and his wife missed Price and made a general search for him, but he was not to be found. They were greatly troubled for fear he would harm someone, but all the searching they could do, did not bring Prince back.
Upon the son’s arrival home, he found Prince hidden under the buggy seat. With one bound he leaped out of the Buggy and barked for joy at being back at his old home once more. You see he stayed by his master until he seemed to know he was to be put out of the way, then was glad to begin his old life over again. Mrs. W. T.
Excerpted from: Successful Farming
Published 1916
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