“Beau Brummel” is a fine specimen of Scotch collie, whose lineage may be traced back for many generations. His picture and a brief mention of some of his accomplishments we are able to publish through the courtesy of The Guide to Nature, Sound Beach, Connecticut.
The dog is the embodiment of intelligence and gentleness, with an expression that is tender and true. Chesterfieldian in his manner, Beau Brummel offers a dignified greeting to his numerous acquaintances, but reserves his paw for intimate friends.
A finished education adds to his natural charms, for he knows many tricks, such as shaking hands, retrieving, jumping through hoops, writing a letter, speaking in whispers or loud barks, and has many other accomplishments.
He has been taught the art of letter writing. When the magic words, “Write a letter to your mother,” are spoken, he jumps on a revolving desk chair, which is firmly held, proudly places his paw on a sheet of note-paper and holds the pen between his toes. The only reward he expects for this graceful achievement is a little praise, and a pat of appreciation on his handsome head.
Beau Brummel, nevertheless, respects himself as well as others, always requiring a special invitation to accompany his owner on walks and drives.. Another most amusing trait is his frugality; for, when not hungry, he invariably covers the platter that contains his meal with newspapers, and oddly enough this frail protection is always respected by his canine companions.
Inherited instinct and native sagacity have combined to produce remarkable feats on the part of this truly clever collie. On one occasion, though never previously taught to drive sheep or cows, he performed creditably all the duties of his station; such as bunching the herd, turning back stragglers, and finally penning them, within one half hour of his first appearance in the field.

“Beau Brummel” is a fine specimen of Scotch collie, whose lineage may be traced back for many generations. His picture and a brief mention of some of his accomplishments we are able to publish through the courtesy of The Guide to Nature, Sound Beach, Connecticut.

The dog is the embodiment of intelligence and gentleness, with an expression that is tender and true. Chesterfieldian in his manner, Beau Brummel offers a dignified greeting to his numerous acquaintances, but reserves his paw for intimate friends.

A finished education adds to his natural charms, for he knows many tricks, such as shaking hands, retrieving, jumping through hoops, writing a letter, speaking in whispers or loud barks, and has many other accomplishments.

He has been taught the art of letter writing. When the magic words, “Write a letter to your mother,” are spoken, he jumps on a revolving desk chair, which is firmly held, proudly places his paw on a sheet of note-paper and holds the pen between his toes. The only reward he expects for this graceful achievement is a little praise, and a pat of appreciation on his handsome head.

Beau Brummel, nevertheless, respects himself as well as others, always requiring a special invitation to accompany his owner on walks and drives.. Another most amusing trait is his frugality; for, when not hungry, he invariably covers the platter that contains his meal with newspapers, and oddly enough this frail protection is always respected by his canine companions.

Inherited instinct and native sagacity have combined to produce remarkable feats on the part of this truly clever collie. On one occasion, though never previously taught to drive sheep or cows, he performed creditably all the duties of his station; such as bunching the herd, turning back stragglers, and finally penning them, within one half hour of his first appearance in the field.

excerpted from: Our Dumb Animals‎ – Page 70
by Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – Nature

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