New Pictures of Dunrovin’s Ole Shep Found

Dunrovin's Ole Shep

Linda Rorem was the source of the original picture of Dunrovin’s Ole Shep that is commonly seen, it was sent to her by Mr. McDuffie along with a letter back in 1995, she subsequently published it in Friends of the Old Farm Collie Bulletin #2. McDuffie actually sent several pictures with that letter from which Linda picked the best to publish, now she has graciously shared the rest of those photos with me to publish here.

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  1. What I find interesting is that there is a very old line of Irish Collies that are bob tailed and have the long muzzle and soft eyes of the Scotch type Collies. The is a book by Iris Combs called Rough Collie Records that every Collie enthusiast should read!t

    I had a Collie dog named Tammy in the 1970s that looked very much like a Scotch collie and acted like my old fashioned Roughs. She was very distinctive and fit the description of the scotch collie dog.

  2. Yes I have seen photos of some of these Irish dogs, they appear perfect to the old fashioned type.

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