Golden Age: 1861 - 1900

Facts for Farmers – 1869

An early American source on the Scotch Collie, this book covers every aspect of agriculture from breeds of livestock to barn construction to farm economics and includes many beautiful engravings. It shows that Scotch Collies […]

A group of collies
Golden Age: 1861 - 1900

Old Scotch Collie Club – 1892

At this time the collie, like the nightingale in the feathered world, which is voice and nothing more, had coat and little else beside to recommend it. Judges and fanciers, with a few exceptions, now bow down and worship before the narrow head of a brainless idol. […]

Early Scotch Collie illustration
Golden Age: 1861 - 1900

The Scotch Colley – Poultry Monthly 1881

Of all the canine race, the Scotch Colley is the most intelligent. The herder’s help-mate and friend, and gentleman’s pet. He, with wonderful intuition, anticipates your wants to such a degree as to cause the […]

Golden Age: 1861 - 1900

Wandering Willie

Note: The story below is about Willie, a “Northumbrian collie” from the Cheviot Hills, no doubt a representative of the regional shepherd dogs that would become know as the Border Collie in later years and […]

Golden Age: 1861 - 1900

The Poultry Yard by W.A. Burpee – 1891

THE COLLY DOG It may safely be said, that among the most intelligent of the canine race are the Collies. Whether their cleverness is hereditary, or the result of training, remains a question; but all […]

Golden Age: 1861 - 1900

Burpee’s Farm Annual for 1891

ROUGH-COATED SCOTCH COLLIES. THE MOST FAITHFUL, MOST INTELLIGENT AND MOST USEFUL OF DOGS. Descriptive of these popular dogs, which we are breeding extensively, we cannot do better than republish the following, condensed from an article […]

Golden Age: 1861 - 1900

The Colley, The dogs of Great Britain… 1879

One of the most beautiful and useful of all dogs is the Scotch sheep-dog or colley, excellent engravings of which are given, pp. 125-128. With a fine muzzle he combines an intelligent-looking and rather broad […]

Golden Age: 1861 - 1900

The Rough Coated Scotch Collie Dog – 1893

Any farmer who keeps a flock of sheep, or any considerable number of other live stock, can have no more useful helper than a well-bred Collie. Such a dog attends strictly to business at all […]

Early History: Distant Past - 1860

English Shepherds in America

In previous posts I have documented the existence the English Sheep-Dog or English Shepherd’s Dog, which appear as a close relative of the Scotch Collie but quite different from today’s Old English Sheepdog, as a […]